New in

I know it's been a while since my last new in post - the truth is that I haven't bought much stuff lately, I think I had my last decent shopping spree in Prague, which was almost three months ago. So, here are the stuff I got in July and you make sure to tell me what you think of them.

Prošlo je neko vreme od poslednjeg new in posta. Razlog tome je što nisam mnogo kupovala u poslednje vreme - koliko se sećam, moj poslednji iole pristojan šoping bio je u Pragu pre skoro tri meseca. Ovo bi bilo najnovije čega sam se dočepala u julu - nešto sam kupila, nešto dobila, a uzela sam i neke poklončiće za avgustovski giveaway, ali o tom potom. 
 Shower gel (which was a gift) and Pupa Fabulous Pink set
 Summer sale in Delta city - soft pink lace dress
Don't usually buy jackets in summer but who could resist like 80% off

 Coral tank top, some chick-lit for the beach and a lip balm
Another top which was also a gift
I'm getting overloaded with photos so I needed a new album. This bracelet is a result of impulsive shopping. 
New shoes with a very very small heel and a matching shirt


  1. Svidja mi se ovaj pupa paketic :) Nemam nista od pupe osim one tvoje paletice sa giveaway-a :)

  2. Plave cipelice i cipkana haljina-krasno <3

  3. Album <3
    Sad se pitam zasto nikad do sad nisam kupovala Pupu..

  4. me encanta el vestido rosa de encaje!!!!

  5. That lovely dress will look amazing on you!

  6. Draga, super su ti noviteti - posebno ove cipelice :D

  7. I adore that pink dress, so sweet :)

  8. prelepo , ima svasta!! i ti si bas lepa...


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