Instagram tag

Hey guys, even if I don't post regularly I'm pretty active on Instagram, so I thought it might be funny to do this tag. I googled these 14 questions so let's start: 

Ćao svima, danas sam uradila ovaj Instagram tag jer je to društvena mreža koju najčešće koristim. Našla sam 14 pitanja na netu, pa da krenemo: 

1. What's your Instagram name?

2) When did you get your Instagram?

Quite late I think. Fall 2014, so it's been a bit more than a year since I got it. 

Kasnije nego većina, čini mi se. Na jesen 2014, dakle, ima malo više od godinu dana.

3) How often do you post pics?

About once a day. I never post more than 2 pics in a day because I think it would be too much. I don't follow accounts that post too often. 

U proseku jednom dnevno. Mislim da je sve preko 2 puta dnevno previše i ne pratim naloge koji suviše često postuju, naporno mi je to. 

4) What is your worst picture on Instagram?

I really like all my pics but if I have to choose, than it would be this one because it's too blurry. It's ''Moscow'' hotel in my hometown.

Volim sve svoje slike, ali ako već moram da biram, onda neka bude ova slika hotela Moskva jer je previše mutna i pri tom provučena kroz neki glup filter. 

5) Which picture has had the most likes?

I'm not sure and I'm too lazy to check all of them but I think this one is amongst those who had the most likes. It's me and my baby boy on Belgrade Book Fair in October 2015.

Ne znam, a nemam strpljenja da proveravam, tako da ću okačiti ovu koja spada u te koje imaju najviše lajkova, ne znam da li baš ova ima najviše. Tu smo moj sin i ja na beogradskom sajmu knjiga prošlog meseca. 

6) Why did you join Instagram?

Because I love beautiful photos. I enjoy looking pretty pics and posting them as well. 

Otvorila sam profil jer mnogo volim lepe slike. Podjednako uživam u gledanju tuđih i kačenju svojih. 

7) How does your profile picture look like?
It's the same one I chose for my blog. Me sitting on a pier by the sea. I plan to change it someday but not yet.

Profilna slika mi je ista kao ovde na blogu, ona gde sedim na molu, na moru. Promeniću je jednog dana, ali još uvek ne.

8) What type of accounts do you follow?
Book accounts - I was amazed when I realized there are so many booklovers online, how cool is that? I also love to see some landscape shots, architecture, cutensils, cute animals, basically everything that makes our life prettier. 

Pratim ljude koji objavljuju slike knjiga i biblioteka. Bila sam zaista prijatno iznenađena videvši koliko ljubitelja knjiga ima na Instagramu. Takođe volim i fotografije pejzaža, zgrada, biljaka i životinja, zapravo, svih onih sitnica koje čine život lepšim.

9) Is your Instagram private or public?

Public. I'm never gonna get (nor follow) those people who set their profile on private and then ask others to follow them, what's the point? On the other hand, if you want to let only your friends and family too see your pics and not everyone on the Internet, that's completely ok and I understand that.

Moj profil je javni. Ne razumem (i ne pratim) ljude koji imaju privatan profil, a pri tom smaraju ljude da ih prate i lajkuju im slike, ne vidim u čemu je poenta. S druge strane, ukoliko neko želi da samo njegovi prijatelji i porodica mogu da gledaju njegove slike, a ne nepoznati ljudi širom Interneta, to mi je potpuno razumljivo i podržavam. 

10) Your favourite Instagram pictures

I love all my Instagram pics, but I chose some of them to show you.

Volim sve svoje slike, ali evo izdvojila sam nekoliko:

11) What was the first picture you posted?

Me and my puppy Ema. This was actually a pic from my computer that I transferred to my phone and than published it. 

Na prvoj slici koju sam objavila smo Ema i ja. Nju sam zapravo prebacila s kompjutera na telefon i onda je objavila. 

12) What is the last picture you posted?

For the moment, this one with these 2 nail polishes. 

Poslednja slika koju sam okačila je ova sa lakovima za nokte.

13) What type of pictured do you post?

Check number 8 :-) 

Pogledati pitanje br. 8 :-)

14) Name one brand/celebrity that you follow

I've just realized I follow only two of that kind: @korresofficial @antoniobanderasofficial
but I'm gonna make it up to you and give you a 


Some of accounts I'm following, feel free to check them out:

@hellas_country_of_dreams (beautiful pictures of Greece)
@protic_p  (pictures of old Belgrade)
 @limkina (aquarelle drawings)
@marina_marry (lifestyle blogger)
@oddvar_arnesen  (Norwegian landscape)
@fotopolly (a photograph girl form Barcelona)
@the_lazy_bibliophile (book account)
@kradljivica_knjiga (book account)
@camilla_reads (book account)
@linda_lomelino (food)


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